Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Love is this?

Press play. Read the post. Be blessed.
              Have you ever had one of those nights where EVERYTHING is on your mind and you cant focus on sleeping? I had one of those last night, but it was at the point where I was crying. I know what you're probably thinking{Wow, she is pretty emotional} and you would be thinking right because at times I have all these thoughts and then I think of God and my past and then it all just bottoms out in crying. For those of you who may or may not know me I have been through more than anyone should go through in their life-time.{And I'm only 14} At age 9-10 my parents divorced, I didn't understand why till this past yr when my mom actually explained it to me. During this rough time in my life, I had to step up to the plate and start helping my mom out with whatever she needed. I was basically a second mom for my siblings. (As a matter of fact, I am babysitting them right now) In the years following the divorce, it was hard for me to relate to all of my friends when they would talk about dad's and stuff. When I was 11, I was in 6th grade and that was the toughest year because my dad was completely out of my life and to this day I haven't seen him or even heard from him. I remember that we had an end of the year retreat and one of my teacher's{Who was moving and acted like a second Dad to me} He was praying over all the students and I was the last one he prayed over. The prayer was extremely long and the part that stuck out to me was this:"God bless Rebekah Lord, she is the strongest person I know. She reminds me of my own mother{who is a strong woman}. She's been through things anyone shouldn't go through. Lord, she is a bright light......" And it went on. As the years went on my grandfather was like another dad towards me. But when I was 13 he went on to be with the Lord and to this day I cant picture him not being here, In my mind he is on vacation or something! Hahah. This past year I made a transition to a new school called UFCA. I made a ton of new friends(got a lot of guys attention) and it was a blessing because later on in the year I had some conflicts with my church friends. God made it all work out for my good! Anyways! That's just a taste of part of my past. So imagine, this was my mind last night: My past, boy- troubles,friendships,choices, etc. Last night as I got settled in to bed, I turned my iPod on and a song by Kari Jobe came on called What Love is This?  It talk about how God made a way so we could know him, and how He'll ALWAYS be ENOUGH for me. And at times we as Christians may think "Oh God isn't enough" But the Bible says that he is MORE than ENOUGH for us. Last night I pulled out my current journal  and my old journal, I compared dates from then and now and thought "God I have come SOO far!" And I just cried and got chills, I was listening to the song and I felt God say,"Rebekah, I am enough for you. Always ENOUGH for you." I was amazed at the peace I suddenly felt. It was amazing. When I finally turned off the lights and the music I lay there with mountains of thoughts running through my mind. Then when I finally drifted of to sleep. I dreamed of picture frames and in the picture frames I saw good and bad memories. Memories that have blessed me and have scared me. I saw tons of people looking at them with me. And at the end of the row of picture frames God was sitting there and saying I am enough, throughout all of these memories I have been MORE than ENOUGH for you. I am the father to the father- less. 
He is always enough for you,

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Swept Away

Hey guys, this song has been on my heart for the past few days. My old worship pastor wrote this song and his daughters sing it. I hope you all will listen and just think of what heaven is gonna be like, and think this is what God is singing over us.
Press Play. Be still. And know that he is God.

Monday, March 19, 2012

I want More of you God.........

...... That's the phrase thats been in my mnde lately. "I want more of you God". Its in a song that ha been onmy heart called set a fire. It is a beautiful song and it touches my heart. Right now in life, for me, I have had to start letting go of my past and saying God Its not about me, its about you. I want more of you in ALL of my life. All of my situations. God, you love me, you have a plan for me, and NO ONE can take that away from me. You make me whole! God has a plan for all of us. And sometimes when we are in our darkest hours he can shine a BRIGHT light and show us the way to our future! Its all soooo awesome!
So this 2012 KNOW that God loves you!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

"My Heavenly Father Loves Me."

Lately I have had to face the fact that regardless of how crazy my life can be or how crazy a situation is I ALWAYS know that "My Heavenly Father Loves Me". I have been going through tough times for a while now. I have been crying out to God more than I normally do. I have been looking for an answer to prayers.... They have yet to be answered. God, I truly believe, is working behind the scenes for me on MY behalf. There is a word that's been rolling around in my head and it is this:
There is a song at my church that we often sing and it goes like this,"You've taken my pain and called me by a new name. You've taken my shame and in its place, you give me JOY. You bring restoration, You bring restoration, You bring restoration to my soul....." And it goes on. It's a lovely song and it's been on my heart lately. God WILL restore my soul. God WILL bring me joy. I have also had another song on my heart lately and its called "You are for me" by Kari Jobe. This song talks about how God is for us and he will NEVER forsake us in our weaknesses. If you have never heard of this song before, look it up! It will touch your heart. Today at church they were talking about how TODAY is the day of salvation and that we find our victory in him! Lastly, they mentioned that throughout every situation KNOW and say "My Heavenly father Loves me!" So this 2012, I am living in a way to glorify God and I am living day in and day out knowing that my heavenly father LOVES ME. He always has and always will!

Friday, February 10, 2012

God's ALWAYS Got a Plan!!!!!!!!!

Tonight a series of events happend that made me wonder...." Is this REALYY all apart of his plan for me in this area in my life?" And I have come to realize it IS!!!!! God wants the best for me and the best possible to happen to me as well! He knows my beginning and he knows my future.... Sometimes its sooo hard for me to realize things that happen to me or around me show how BIG and strong God is. And I know he can do the impossible. WITH him ALL things are possible!! And he makes a way when there seems to be NO way! He will always have plan! He works behind the scenes for me!

So this 2012, if you are struggling with stuff like this ALWAYS REMEMBER: He makes a way when there is NO way...... With him the impossible can be done.... AND


- Rebekah

Monday, January 30, 2012

Trusting HIM All the way.....

Lately I have had to keep my trusting God in check. No matter what the situation may be, always trust that God has you exactly whee you need to be! That if you have come this far, God will most definetly follow through.... You just have to trust him. TRUST that this is the plan he has for you. Whenever I hear the word TRUST, I always always think of the bible verse in Phillipians that says," TRUST in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

So this 2012, TRUST in God always no matter what the situation!


Friday, January 27, 2012

Walking in HIS Path.

In all that YOU do are YOU walking in HIS path? Do you know the path he has for you? Yes, its true. God has a very special pathway for you. He has so much in store for you and he is guiding you along his pathway. God wants you to know that he is watching you no matter how far on his path you are or how far away from his path you are. God loves you and he's got the best plan possible for you. The best way possible to walk on his pathway is to walk by faith and trust that he's got you right where you need to be. So this 2012 keep in check on whose path you're walkin on!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Show me your SPIRIT!!!

Tomorrow at school the first of many rehersals begin for 8th grade ufca students... and can you guess who is teaching them? THATS RIGHT! You guessed it.... ME! I will hopefull have a vid posted or some pics put up here of how everything goes.... if not I'll write about it! And in case you're wondering UFCA SPIRIT WEEK is next week, Friday! And so I have made up a dance for the last day of the WHOLE spirit week! And tomorrow it is hopefully coming to life!



Monday, January 23, 2012

Walk in Love.

In this day and age, its good to know to always walk in love regardless of how rotten people can be or what others may say about you or what people may think. WALK IN LOVE!! What people say doesn't define who you really are. Its what God says you are: which is his masterpiece, his prized possesion, his priceless gift, his jewl. Although what people may say behind your back or even to your face may sound mean... It just shows who they are as a person and where they are with God. This has been something I have had to practice, choosing love even if you wanna punch the person into next week. Its so important to know that you are loved by God but its even MORE iportant to treat others with that same kinda love.... Just like the golden rule.So remember this year and well, ALWAYS to walk in LOVE.LET LOVE BE YOUR HIGHST GOAL ABOVE ALL THINGS CHOOSE LOVE.Jesus did and still does, LOVE everyone the MOST and things WILL go well with you!

